Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
BISP 8171 New Mobile Registration for Remote Areas

The Government of Pakistan has introduced a New Mobile Registration for registering disabled individuals for the 8171 payments program. This service allows for registration at the convenience of one’s home. A BISP van will visit the homes of disabled persons to complete the registration process for the 8171 BISP program.

This article provides all the necessary details on how disabled individuals can enroll in the program through the 8171 New Mobile Registration. Additionally, you can find information about the new BISP payment of 10,500/-.

8171 New Mobile Registration 2024

The registration process for disabled persons through the 8171 New Mobile Registration is ongoing. Suppose you have an elderly or disabled person in your family eligible for the Benazir Income Support Program but find it difficult to visit a BISP office. In that case, you can call the 8171 portal to request a mobile van. This van will pick up the disabled person from home, complete their registration at the BISP office, and then drop them back home. This service ensures that disabled individuals can easily register and receive their payments without any hassle.

8171 New Mobile Registration Procedure

The process for 8171 New Mobile Registration has made very simple to ensure that disabled individuals can register without any difficulties. By joining the Benazir program, eligible individuals can receive the Benazir Kafaalat amount of 10,500. Here’s how you can complete the registration:

  • Send a message to 8171 requesting a mobile van for registration.
  • The official helpline of Benazir will contact you to confirm your full address.
  • A mobile van will sent to your home to pick up the elderly or disabled person.
  • The registration process will completed at the Benazir office.
  • After registration, the mobile van will drop the person back home.

8171 Payment Distribution Method for Disabled Persons

Registered disabled persons will start receiving monthly assistance of 4500 from 8171. If a payment is missed in one month, the next month’s payment will include both installments. The money can withdrawn monthly through JazzCash or an ATM in your city.

8171 New Mobile Registration Procedure

For More Information: Benazir Kafalat New Registration for 25500

New Eligibility Criteria for BISP New Payment

Eligibility criteria have established to ensure that only those who truly need assistance receive the BISP 8171 New Payment. The following categories of disabled individuals are eligible for the Benazir program wazifa:

  • Disabled persons who have lost a limb in an accident.
  • Blind individuals or those suffering from other serious diseases.
  • Disabled individuals without an income earner in their family.
  • Disabled persons who do not have their own business.

By meeting these criteria, individuals can join the Benazir 8171 mobile registration program and receive monthly support.