Sun. Jul 7th, 2024
Government Of Punjab Electric Bike Scheme 2024 | Interest-Free Bike Scheme on Monthly Installment Plan

Punjab Electric Bike Scheme

The Punjab Electric Bike Scheme 2024 is a groundbreaking transportation initiative designed to reduce environmental impact. By distributing 10000 electric bikes to students across the province, this program aims to promote eco-friendly transportation. 

This scheme addresses air pollution concerns, reduces transportation costs, and provides students with a convenient travel option. The initiative has supported by a special financing arrangement with the Bank of Punjab, acknowledging the financial challenges faced by many students.

Approval of the Punjab Electric Bike Scheme

Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has approved the Punjab Bike Scheme for students. The standout feature of this program is that it offers bikes on an interest-free basis. This initiative, the first of its kind in Punjab, demonstrates the government’s commitment to student welfare by providing them with cost-effective travel options.

Interest-Free Monthly Installment Plan 2024

The Chief Minister announced that 19000 petrol-powered bikes and 1000 electric bikes would be provided to students on an interest-free monthly installment plan. By offering bikes with manageable payment plans, the government shows its dedication to supporting students in practical ways.

Maryam Nawaz personally inspected samples of both electric and petrol bikes to ensure they met quality standards. She also ordered that the bikes painted in the official green colour of the Punjab administration, emphasizing the importance 

Punjab Electric Bike Scheme Equitable Distribution

To ensure fairness and transparency, a draw has scheduled for June 2024, with bike distribution beginning the same month. The application timeline will released before Eid, ensuring the public receives timely information.

For More Information: Punjab E-Bike Scheme New Registration


The Punjab Government, in collaboration with the Bank of Punjab, has introduced the Punjab Electric Bike Scheme 2024 to promote environmentally sustainable transportation solutions. This program aims to provide 10000 electric bikes to college and university students, significantly reducing carbon emissions. Switching to electric bikes offers numerous environmental benefits and paves the way for a cleaner, greener future.


Will the distribution be fair? 

Yes, transparency and equity in the distribution process will ensure that all eligible candidates have an equal opportunity to receive a bike.

Which samples of bikes will distributed? 

Maryam Nawaz personally inspected samples of both electric and petrol bikes to ensure all quality standards were met.