Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
How to Get New BISP 15500 Installment Through BISP Tehsil Office

The distribution of the new BISP 15500 installment is currently happening at the Benazir Tehsil Office. If you have received an SMS from 8171 confirming your payment receipt, please visit the BISP Tehsil Office in your city to collect your payment. This installment covers the last three months and has been sent to the accounts of 10,500 deserving people.

You can withdraw this amount immediately from the BISP Tehsil Offices. Detailed procedures for withdrawing this payment are mentioned in this article. Please read them carefully and follow the instructions.

You can also read: Good News! Benazir Kafalat 10500 New Instalment For All Register Women

New BISP 15500 Installment Distribution Date

New BISP 15500 Installment Distribution will start in the next month of 2024, allowing poor people to access their money quickly. To withdraw this amount, visit the Benazir Tehsil Office. After thumb verification, you will receive your payment. Only those who registered on time for BISP 15500 are receiving this installment.

New BISP 15500 Installment Distribution Date

If you registered late, you haven’t received this amount yet. Remember to go to the Benazir Tehsil Office to withdraw your new installment only after receiving the confirmation message from 8171. Once you get this message, visit the BISP Tehsil Office immediately to collect your money.

How to Get New Installment 15500?

To withdraw the New BISP 15500 Installment of the Benazir Income Support Program , follow these steps:

  1. Visit your nearest BISP district office with your National Identity Card and your child’s Bay Form.
  2. Stand in line and wait for your turn.
  3. The BISP representative will take your National Identity Card and enter your card number into the computer.
  4. Your payment details will appear on the screen. You must verify your biometrics to withdraw the money.
  5. Once your biometric verification is complete, you will receive your ID card back along with the BISP New Installment 15500.
  6. If there are any previous installments in your account, you can withdraw that amount as well.

Additionally, if your children receive the Benazir Taleemi Wazaif 9000 amount, you can withdraw it along with the 15500 in the new Benazir Kafalat installment.

Why you Need to Withdraw Payment by BISP Tehsil Office?

You should know that the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) previously distributed payments at BISP cash centers or local shops, where there was a lot of corruption and extra charges for users. Due to numerous complaints, BISP Chairperson Rubina Khalid has announced that new BISP payments will now be made at BISP Tehsil Offices.

This change aims to make the program transparent and free from corruption. BISP users no longer need to go anywhere else; they can withdraw their money by visiting their nearest Tehsil Office. This new system ensures that the program is clean and fair for everyone to withdraw New BISP 15500 Installment.

New Installment BISP Deduction Complaints Portal

If you are facing any issues with deductions in your New BISP 15500 Installment, you can now file a complaint through the dedicated BISP Deduction Complaints Portal. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Visit the Official BISP Website: Go to the official Benazir Income Support Program website.
  2. Access the Complaints Section: Look for the ‘Complaints’ or ‘Support’ section on the website.
  3. Fill Out the Complaint Form: Provide all necessary details, including your National Identity Card number, the amount deducted, and a description of the issue.
  4. Submit the Form: After filling out the form, submit it through the portal.
  5. Receive Confirmation: You will receive a confirmation message with a reference number for your complaint.

The BISP team will review your complaint and take appropriate action to resolve the issue. This portal is designed to ensure transparency and help beneficiaries get their rightful payments without any deductions.