Mon. Jun 24th, 2024
Check Your CNIC for Benazir Kafalat 10500 New Installment Released by the Government of Pakistan

Benazir Kafalat Program New Installment 2024

The Benazir Kafalat 10500 New Installment remains a crucial support system for many women and families across Pakistan, offering vital financial aid during tough times. The recent release of the June BISP 10500 New instalment brings significant improvements and added benefits, ensuring more assistance for beneficiaries nationwide.

What’s New in the June Benazir Kafalat 10500 New Installment?

  • Increased Installment: Beneficiaries will now receive an increased installment of 10500, up from the previous 8750, providing substantial additional financial support.
  • Benazir Taleemi Wazifa Integration: Families with children enrolled in the Benazir Taleemi Wazifa program will automatically qualify for installment registration, expanding the coverage and support.
  • Regional Supplements: Provincial governments are providing extra financial aid. Sindh offers an additional 5000 rupees to beneficiaries, while Balochistan, Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK), and Gilgit-Baltistan also provide supplementary amounts alongside the 10500 installments.
  • Special Support: Islamabad and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) are offering targeted assistance, with Islamabad beneficiaries receiving an extra 10,000 rupees and KP providing additional support to families with scores below 26.
  • Comprehensive Benefits: The installment includes various components such as Benazir Taleemi scholarships, Ramadan subsidies, and Benazir Kafaalat, ensuring a well-rounded approach to financial aid.
Check Your CNIC for Benazir Kafalat 10500 New Installment Released by the Government of Pakistan

Benazir Kafalat 10500 Verify Documents Through the BISP Office

To receive the new installment of 10500 rupees from the Benazir Kafalat program, you need to verify your documents first. Here’s the process:

  1. Go to the nearest BISP office with your ID card and other required documents.
  2. Provide your documents to the representative.
  3. The representative will enter your information into their system and complete the verification process.
  4. You will be informed about the amount check once the verification is complete.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the program, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • You must be a Pakistani citizen.
  • You should not have been involved in any unethical activities.
  • You should not employed by the government.
  • You must have a valid national identity card.
  • You should not own more than five acres of agricultural land.
  • Your household’s monthly income should be less than 30,000 rupees.
  • You should not have participated in any other financial aid program.

Documents Required

Make sure to have the following documents:

  • A national identity card issued by Pakistan.
  • Proof of your household’s monthly income.
  • Proof of the number of people in your household.
  • Monthly electricity and gas bill information.
  • Any other necessary documents.

Steps to Recover BISP 10500 Payments

  1. Check Previous Payments: If there are previous payments in your account, check your installments on the BISP portal. You can receive them from the nearest payment center.
  2. Visit Nearest Campsite: Since the 8171 web portal might not detail these payments but may show you as ineligible, you should:
    • Take your ID card.
    • Visit the nearest campsite to check your account status.
  3. Understand Future Eligibility: If your payments are not available now, you will remain ineligible until the next survey, which occurs every two years. You may have to wait two years before re-applying.
  4. Upcoming Payments: For those eligible but who haven’t received the Rs 10,500 BISP installment, the third and final payment stage is set to be released before Eid-ul-Adha. If you missed the previous stages, you can collect your installment at the nearest campsite.
  5. Children’s Benefits: Many faced delays in receiving child benefits due to the Benazir Kafaalat program’s issues. In this last payment stage, these stipends will be issued to all eligible families.


The release of the BISP June 10500 installment marks a significant effort to provide financial stability to vulnerable households across Pakistan. With enhanced benefits, supplementary support, and streamlined processes, BISP continues to fulfil its mission of alleviating poverty and empowering communities.